Total Shoulder Replacement

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Call the Orthopedic Clinic at the Texas Diabetes Institute at 210-358-7755.
Total Shoulder Replacement

Before choosing total shoulder replacement surgery, your orthopedic doctor may first try to treat you with noninvasive options like pain medication or physical therapy. However, if other treatment options do not work, then surgery may be your best option.

During Shoulder Replacement Surgery

During shoulder replacement surgery, the damaged or diseased area of the humerus and cartilage in the shoulder are replaced with a metal and plastic joint. This is a major surgery that will usually require you to remain at University Hospital for several days and to do physical therapy afterwards.

After Shoulder Replacement Surgery

After surgery, you are moved to a private room. Your care team will do everything to keep pain and swelling under control with ice, medications and breathing techniques. We strongly encourage your family and friends to participate and learn how to help you with dressing, cooking and feeding yourself once you go home.

Your case management team will work with your care team to plan for your discharge from the hospital. Your team will also discuss any home care needs and arrange them before your discharge.

After Discharge From the Hospital

After you leave the hospital, you should follow up with your primary care physician. You will also have follow-up appointments with your orthopedic surgeon. University Health can seamlessly coordinate your care, and your care team will be working together every step of the way.

Before Surgery
  • Attend the preoperative anesthesia clinic
  • Attend the joint replacement class during your anesthesia clinic visit
  • Identify a support person who will be your primary caregiver during and after surgery
  • Arrange for someone to take you to the hospital on the day of your surgery and take you home on the day of discharge
  • Plan how you will get your meals at home after your surgery
  • Stop smoking
  • Discuss all medications with your surgeon and anesthesia doctors
  • Tell your doctor about any skin wounds on your feet, legs, buttocks or backside
  • Complete the home safety checklist your care team will give you