Senior Health Frequently Asked Questions

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For more information, please call 210-358-7477 or email
Senior Health Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I get my vaccine(s)?

Check with your primary care doctor about which vaccines/immunizations you need and where to get them.

Where can I get help with transportation?

Please call Senior Services at 210-358-7477 and we will help you.

Who can help me apply for Medicare?

Senior Services at University Health has educational sessions to help you understand Medicare and get you started on an application.

Who can help me with my Advance Care Planning? What is the cost?

Senior Services at University Health can assist you with the Medical Power of Attorney and Advance Directives at no cost to you. Please call us for an appointment at 210-358-7477.

Where can I get assistance paying for Medicare, medications, rent, food and transportation?

Social services at University Health can help you with this. Call them at 210-358-2300.

As a caregiver, I’m being asked for a Power of Attorney. What does it mean and where can I get one?

The Medical Power of Attorney allows a caregiver to make vital decisions for their loved ones. Medical organizations typical require documentation. Senior Services can help you. Please call us for an appointment at 210-358-7477.

I feel lonely, and have no one to talk to. Where can I get help?

University Health encourages a patient that feels sadness to talk to their physician. In addition, PlatinumU membership provides you with regular monthly telephone call to let you speak with our personnel.

I don’t qualify for Medicare. What can I do?

Senior Services encourages you to call the University Health Social Services for additional information at 210-358-3620.