Bet You Haven’t Seen a Brain Quite This Big
Walk-through inflatable brain gives the big picture during F.A.S.T. Stroke Action Day at University Hospital.
The public is invited to tour the colorful inflatable brain and learn about how it works – and what can go wrong. Members of our Stroke Team will be available for interviews and to help people complete a free stroke risk assessment. Christa Ladyko, University Health System Executive Director of Neuroscience & Rehabilitation Services, will be available for interviews.
May is Stroke Awareness Month, and University Health System is providing public education on how to recognize and react FAST to the signs of stroke – because when millions of neurons are being wiped out at wildfire speed, every second counts. FAST stands for Face, Arms, Speech, Time; a guide for evaluating the signs of stroke and seeking help as soon as possible.
Interviews available Thursday, May 5, 2016, 11 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
University Hospital Sky Tower Lobby, 4502 Medical Drive