Adult Detention Health Program accreditation renewed by NCCHC

University Health System program at the Bexar County Adult Detention Center has been continuously accredited for more than two decades

(SAN ANTONIO, TX - February 4, 2016) University Health System Adult Detention Health Program has been re-accredited by the National Commission on Correctional Health Care, or NCCHC.

University Health System has provided medical services to inmates at the Bexar County Adult Detention Center since 1995, and has been continuously accredited by NCCHC since that year.

NCCHC is dedicated to improving the quality of correctional health services and helping correctional facilities provide effective and efficient care. NCCHC grew out of a program begun at the American Medical Association in the 1970s.

NCCHC standards help improve the health of the inmates and the communities where they return, increase the efficiency of health service delivery and make organizations more effective.
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