A Reunion That's All About the HEART

First Annual Healthy Heart Homecoming

BACKGROUND: Celebrating and recognizing patients whose lives have been changed by the Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR) procedure at University Hospital. The revolutionary procedure has given new hope for patients who previously had no options for treating their valvular heart disease. These patients, who suffered from aortic stenosis, have all had heart valve replacements using the TAVR procedure,without the need for open heart surgery. TAVR allows a new aortic valve to be placed within the diseased valve while the patient’s heart is still beating. The surgical procedure was first done in South Texas at University Hospital’s advanced Cardiovascular Hybrid Suite by UT Medicine San Antonio’s certified TAVR team of interventional cardiologists and cardiothoracic surgeons.

WHO: University Hospital patients who received transcatheter aortic valve replacements, their families and doctors

WHAT: First Annual Healthy Heart Homecoming

WHEN: Thursday, April 9 at 5:30 p.m.

WHERE: University Hospital, 4502 Medical Drive, in Main Garden – (Park in media designated area)

NOTE: Capture interviews with patients and cardiologists/cardiovascular surgeons at the reunion.

See a video of the surgical procedure.

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