Six hours after Anthony Redzierez was born, a massive stroke destroyed the entire right side of his brain. Against all odds, the left side of his brain took over, and Anthony gained the motor control that would let him live a normal life. Then, at age five, he was struck by the first of many grand mal epileptic seizures. Medications controlled the seizures for a while. But after Anthony graduated from high school, the seizures returned with disabling frequency. He was told, “There’s nothing more we can do.”
But the Level IV Epilepsy Center team at University Health was thinking beyond. There was one last hope: temporal lobe resection, a radical surgery to remove part of his brain. With Anthony’s catastrophic brain damage, it would be highly dangerous…and there was only a 5% chance the surgery would succeed. But Anthony was willing to take that risk. That was five years ago. Now Anthony enjoys a full life, free of epilepsy. His case had been hopeless. But the Epilepsy team at University Health saw a glimmer of hope and took action. Anthony Redzierez beat the odds again.