Health & Wellness

Health & Wellness

Here for You

We’re committed to your health. That means giving you the tools you need to stay well before you even have to come to us for care. We offer cooking classes, mobile clinics, exercise programs and more to keep your whole family healthy and happy, all year long.

You can find these resources throughout San Antonio and online. Subscribe to our HealthFocus SA newsletter to get up-to-date health information and tips on how to stay well. Or, come visit us to participate in a smoking cessation program or our youth recreation events. We’ll meet you where you are to help you meet your goals.

As an integrated health system, University Health promotes the health of our community through preventive care, treatment of illness and injury, and access to compassionate health care services.

The University Health Institute for Public Health leverages these strengths, including effective communication, a skilled health care workforce, community partnerships and a sophisticated technology infrastructure to improve population health and health equity throughout Bexar County.

For more information about the Institute for Public Health, please email us at